Things you can call me...

Tech Guy

I am very much inclined towards tech side. Developing something of my own gives me immense pleasure. I actively keep up with the latest trends, advancements, and innovations in the tech industry.




Technologies I am familiar with:

Start Up Enthusiast

I am very much enthusiast about startup and startup culture. I am constantly seeking opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals in the startup space. I am inspired by the resilience and creativity of founders and find motivation in their stories of perseverance and success.

Do a high Paying Job

Struggle in StartUp :)

In addition to above mentioned things i am constantly exploring other fields like Product Management , Consulting and Community Management.
I am excited about the prospect of applying my problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking to the dynamic environments of product management and consulting.
I am motivated by the opportunity to work collaboratively with diverse teams and stakeholders to drive innovation and deliver impactful solutions.

Last updated 3 mins ago

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